Ever find yourself chuckling at the creative excuses fellow players conjure up when a game takes an unexpected turn? We get it – it happens to the best of us. In the spirit of laughter and camaraderie, we’ve compiled 10 Funny Excuses Pickleballers Make.
Excuses Heard on the Pickleball Court
1. Bad Net
Excuse: “The net is too high/too low. Let’s get out the measuring tape.” Then they adjust the net up or down a millimeter.
2. Bad Ball
Excuse: “This ball is bad.” Then examining it like a detective on a case – every crack, smudge, or blemish becomes a potential alibi for that errant shot.
3. Bad Paddle

Excuse: “There must be a hole in my paddle.” Players blaming their paddle for a missed shot – it’s practically an art form. From checking for imaginary dents to questioning its loyalty, we’ve all been there.
4. Wind Woes
Excuse: “The wind really took that one away.” Because, surely, the slight breeze was the culprit behind that sudden loss of control.
5. Graphic Distractions
Excuse: “I was distracted trying to read what your t-shirt says.” Sometimes, it’s the colorful socks or cool graphic tees that are throwing off your game.
6. Sunspot Sabotage
Excuse: “Did you see that glare? I swear the sun placed a blinding ray right where I needed to make the shot.” From the player with their back to the sun.

7. Hunger Pangs
Excuse: “I haven’t had lunch yet and someone’s grilling burgers. The smell is throwing off my concentration.” Now the entire court wants cheeseburgers.
8. Puppy Love Distraction
Excuse: “There was this adorable dog by the court, and I was distracted by the cuteness.” Pausing the game to pet puppies isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
9. Musical Misdirection
Excuse: “I can’t focus when music is playing.” Of course when the music is turned off, then it’s too quiet.
10. Wardrobe Malfunction
Excuse: “I’m having a Janet Jackson wardrobe malfunction.” Now the entire court is distracted.
Embrace the laughter, enjoy the camaraderie, and remember: silly excuses for whiffing easy shots are part of the game. You don’t have to be a 4.0+ to be a badass pickleballer. If you love the game of pickleball, you’re pretty badass no matter your skill level, as long as you’re giving it your all on the court and having fun with it.
Shop our latest design of pickleball court excuses on t-shirts, bags, socks, water bottles, pickleball paddles, court towels, and more — “Bad Net, Bad Ball, Bad Paddle, Badass Pickleballer.” Let the games, and the laughs, continue!